Rekor maintains a local Beanstalkd queue. All JSON results are placed in this queue. Your application can grab and process the latest plate results from this queue.
In addition, you must add a valid on-premise license to /etc/openalpr/license.conf
Once updated, restart the Scout Agent service to allow the settings to take effect.
Below is a sample Python script that pulls results from the local Beanstalkd queue:
import beanstalkc
import json
from pprint import pprint
beanstalk = beanstalkc.Connection(host='localhost', port=11300)
# For diagnostics, print out a list of all the tubes available in Beanstalk.
print beanstalk.tubes()
# For diagnostics, print the number of items on the current alprd queue.
except beanstalkc.CommandFailed:
print "Tube doesn't exist"
# Watch the "alprd" tube; this is where the plate data is.
# Loop forever
while True:
# Wait for a second to get a job. If there is a job, process it and delete it from the queue.
# If not, return to sleep.
job = beanstalk.reserve(timeout=1.0)
if job is None:
print "No plates available right now, waiting..."
print "Found a plate!"
plates_info = json.loads(job.body)
# Print all the info about this plate to the console.
# Do something with this data (e.g., match a list, open a gate, etc.).
if 'data_type' not in plates_info:
print "This shouldn't be here... all OpenALPR data should have a data_type"
elif plates_info['data_type'] == 'alpr_results':
print "This is a plate result"
elif plates_info['data_type'] == 'alpr_group':
print "This is a group result"
elif plates_info['data_type'] == 'heartbeat':
print "This is a heartbeat"
# Delete the job from the queue when it is processed.