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The Rekor Scout® API can be used to search for license plate data programmatically from any Scout web server (both cloud and self-hosted). Using this API you can search for plate groups, individual reads, and alerts. You can also retrieve the plate images directly from the agent. The endpoints for the Rekor Scout API are described below.
Search for ALPR plate results
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
unique ID for the site
unique camera number
Start time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
End time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
Plate Number to search for
Maximum number of results to return
Order can be either desc or asc
Search among all possible candidate plate numbers
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
unique ID for the site
unique camera number
Start time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
End time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
Plate Number to search for
Maximum number of results to return
Order can be either desc or asc
Search for ALPR plate results
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
unique ID for the site
unique camera number
Start time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
End time in ISO 8601 format. At least start or end must be defined.
Plate Number to search for
Maximum number of results to return
Order can be either desc or asc
Get detailed results for a plate record from a plate candidate
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
List the agents registered with the webserver
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
No body
List the cameras registered with the webserver
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
No body
List the alert lists that are configured
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
No body
List the users that are associated with this account
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
No body
Get an image for the requested agent and UUID. This will proxy the request to the remote agent.
API Key used for authentication. This can be generated for each user by going to /account/my_account on the webserver
X coordinate for cropping.
y coordinate for cropping.
width coordinate for cropping.
height coordinate for cropping.
Resizes the image on the agent to a maximum width (in pixels) before transmitting
No body
Get an image for the requested plate. This web service is served locally on the agent on port 8355. By default the local agent webservice is disabled, so you must first enable it in alprd.conf
X coordinate for cropping.
y coordinate for cropping.
width coordinate for cropping.
height coordinate for cropping.
Resizes the image on the agent to a maximum size before transmitting
No body